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The Last Race date displayed next to the horse name is the last race that complete past performance information is available for that horse.

If a horse has raced more recently than the Last Race displayed, complete information for that race is not yet available.

Please note: Beyer Speed Figures are not available until 48 hours after a race has been run.

PPs & Pedigrees

Individual Horse Past Performances - Lifetime (Pdf) - $5 Buy

Lifetime PP's are available for all horses that began their careers in the year 1976 or later. For horses that raced into and beyond 1976, but began their careers prior to that year, we can only offer running lines for starts made after January 1, 1976. Delivered in pdf.

  • Races from 1991-present include all information you see in the print and online editions of the Daily Racing Form - Beyer Speed Figures, Tomlinson Ratings, most recent workouts, and much more.
  • Races prior to 1991 appearing in lifetime past performances do not include internal fractions, race name, Beyer Speed Figures, running lines, speed ratings, track variants and company lines.
  • Please note: Customers interested in purchasing DRF Past Performance information for horses raced exclusively in a foreign country should be advised that race records and running lines may be incomplete. These PPs are guaranteed to be complete once any foreign-based horse imports to North America and has either entered in a race or recorded a published workout. In the event that you are unsure of the status of the horse in question prior to completing your purchase, please contact to confirm that the data is complete.

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Individual Horse Past Performances - Last 12 Starts (Pdf) - $5 Buy

Get an abbreviated version of lifetime past performances. Lifetime PP's are available for all horses that began their careers in the year 1976 or later. For horses that raced into and beyond 1976, but began their careers prior to that year, we can only offer running lines for starts made after January 1, 1976. Includes the last 12 running lines from a horse's lifetime PPs. Delivered in pdf.

  • Races from 1991-present include all information you see in the print and online editions of the Daily Racing Form - Beyer Speed Figures, Tomlinson Ratings, most recent workouts, and much more.
  • Races prior to 1991 appearing in lifetime past performances do not include internal fractions, race name, Beyer Speed Figures, running lines, speed ratings, track variants and company lines.
  • Please note: Customers interested in purchasing DRF Past Performance information for horses raced exclusively in a foreign country should be advised that race records and running lines may be incomplete. These PPs are guaranteed to be complete once any foreign-based horse imports to North America and has either entered in a race or recorded a published workout. In the event that you are unsure of the status of the horse in question prior to completing your purchase, please contact to confirm that the data is complete.

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